Altitude 3050 meters,
Elevation over the valley – 800 meters.
Coordinates UTM: 43T 0402282 4685815
The takeoff located near the Tunnel, just on the highway, which connects North and South of the country. It is really useful and helpful when you bombed out and want to restart again. You just land near the highway and hithchike to the takeoff in 15 minutes only.
The takeoff itself covered by the grass but tilted for about 15 degrees. The takeoff run is simple and short but it is a little bit tricky to spread the wing on the tilted surface. You can find several home thermals in front of the takeoff.
THe highway runs down to the valley from 3050 m down to 2200 m, where you can find huge grassfields for landing. It is about 16 km direct from T01 takeoff to the SUUS lodge – good distance for the XC training flights.
The Bishkek – Osh highway goes by the valley bottom, whic makes retreival very easy and convenient. There is a Ski Resort “Too-Ashuu” near the takeoff.